Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mission Opportunities in 2012

2011 was very successful in that we re-established the TIME Mexico Ministries into Honduras making it become TIME Medical Ministries associated with the Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International (BMDMI). It required three very successful trips to Honduras but we are now almost set up for our future. Our goal remains to get the TIME trips back into the summer months so we can keep an active opportunity for high school and college students. Vietnamcontinues as successfully as always. Cuba, however, is still closed to us, despite what you read in the papers. The current administration in Washington, DC, will NOT allow us into the teaching hospitals of Cuba to offer teaching/instruction/working along side our Cuban medical/surgical colleagues.
I was just in Mexico, teaching at a sinus congress, and Dr. Adolfo Hidalgo, one of our closest friends in Havana was in attendance. We spent a lot of time together, and joyously, he continues to be a monumental leader in Cuba regarding sinus surgery, teaching and sharing important life issues. What a joy and reassurance that what we are striving to achieve is fully realized in Adolfo. The photo is of Adolfo on the right along with Rodolfo, from Monterrey, Mexico, the President elect of the society that invited me to Mexico. He will be joining us on mission trips in the future.